# 翼のto base Vol.83 #
song : True Love (今井翼 version)
I've read 翼のto base Vol.83 report .. difficult to translate (^^;)
How can I improve my language ?? Today 翼 has 1 perform ^^
Tsubasa said he watched evening news and mention to Examanation *LOL* (person who think back to the past is old person 。。
theory said that !! lets come with me Tsuba-chan !!)
next topic fans from Chiba talk about "Kinki Kid concert" and said to him for [Shock] & [Drama] "頑張って下さい” he said はい、ありがとうございます。。^.^ かわいい!! then talk about the past again, next mail talk about 足 O_o!
Oh!! What kind of radio? Have you consult & listen all problem ? 「笑」
『新コーナー!翼侍参上ッ!』 "Samurai Wind" O_o! Oh.. that sound good !!
he talk about back stage .. long coversation !! .. then said 「あぁ~危ない危ない危ない。何か、教育テレビを見てる楽屋さんをぉ、すっごい想像したがために、ちょっとね、吹き出しそうになりましたが。」
back to confuse mode when use translation site 「笑」
I hope oneday I can understand Japanese language ^_^

fufufu.. How sexy am I ??
back to my life .. last night my parent visit me I'm so happy !!
#^.^# there're many food for dinner maybe I eat a lot !!
3 bottles of soy milk, hot & spicy sausage 5 piece (500 g.)
fruit : strawberry 300 g, pineapple 500 g ONLY dinner !!
あぁぁ。。。time to DIET !!
chuu.. I was stimulated by miracle numeral more than 15 time !!
don don don !!
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