GO! con pics.
song : Axel
I'm Shocking !! Really shock when saw photos O_o!!
283 look so happy ^_^

Nice costume ^_~
"GO! con" costume so great !! Totally wonderful style & color ^_~ I like black and stuffs logo this year is BLACK !! Tsubasa shocked me by towel !! OMG.. How to do Tsubasa? chu chu chu.. Why you dare to do?? #^.^#
Tsubasa.. Thank you so much for black design !!
Watashiwa Kuroi design ga daisuki ^^~
283 Vol.110 May 2,05
credit : 283 from J-Web m(_ _)m
Oh with while saying, it ends also TakiTsuba 05 Kon at Osaka places, I striking in the car now facing toward the airport, it increases. This time everyone who comes truly thank you! However the lyric you were wrong and/or there was a variety. I was pleasant enormously and feeling was good. As for the person that in the pleasure it is seen from now on! In addition as for the person that this time can not coming, the next time we probably will meet! ! So......I LOVE YOU all ! As for my zipper opening ....
When finished read his 283 diary, I have one question to ask Tsubasa !!
Q : Do you want to KILL me ?
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