song : vestige
Today I'm sleepless (not over 4 hr.) so I feel tired ..
I've problem with my internet connection so today technician checked it! (not sleep all night and have appointment - -*) The problem is my PC (again..) hypothesis is virus on my HD. So all day I spend much time to clear and deleted files.. mah .. tired! .. My PC become better than yesterday ^^;;
Back to Yoichi .. cast by Tsubasa (^^) I'm already know the meaning why drop fan! It fortune teller if can shoot it drop become, if cannot drop it become lost! and archery (Yoichi) must suicide himself!! It very hard work. Rating for this episode is 16.9% (fufufu..)

ohh.. no comment!
Tsubasa new drama "Engimono" already onair. (I wish my friend record for me!) It funny story.
I can finish download many files today (thank my luv PC!) ureshii yo!! and yesterday all night I can find this pic of 7th heaven album !!

CANNOT explain! but ... really beautiful @v@
I still can't belive that he become 35 years old next month!

.. and I found this from Anii-chan official site.. 10th years debut anniversary next year! .. OMEDETOU! .. (^^)
:: Anii-chan tomorrow I wish you can get No.1 of Oricon ranking ne. ^_~
PS : Tsubasa happy with you rehersal ne~
I'm always cheer you ^v^ ganbarou!
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