. . .
song : Heaven (Tourbillon)
Yesterday I watched drama until early morning (^^;;) .. The first is "Dragon Sakura" it high school life (so funny!) and the other one SUKI! "LORELEI" best drama in Japan story about World War II.. イ(I)507 is the same model with U507 German diving ship (my favorite movie.) .. kyaa.. I can't use my scanner! - -'' ahh.. great drama!
Papa back home safty in early morning (^^) he not sleep and continue working! I'm not sure about his decision this time (I want to help beside him) but papa concern about my life! I'm a women ne~
Something boring me again =.=
Forget it! Life's GO ON ..
Next week my friend visit me.. ureshii yo! I ask her shopping with me at "Chatuchak" market, many kind of accessories here ^_^
My friend site translate this content. Thank so much!

:. TO FANS ⇒ "What I want to communicate, I want to go communicate it"
:. TO FRIEND ⇒ It's quality not quantity, ne. Yappari friends are very very important to him. He mentioned how the friends that he's associating with now, sometimes they'll talk in middle of the night and he'll kinda want to meet now (perhaps cause he's got a problem). And so in the middle of the night will meet over a cup of tea, and be helped out by his friends.
:. TO FAMILY ⇒ "To the Imai family. After I began living on my own, there hasn't been many chances to meet, but how are you all? I hope you won't overwork yourselves and just take care of your bodies (health)."
"Then, sister. When we were kids we often had quarrels but, the person who sent my profile into the jimusho and brought about this chance to begin this kind of work, is you. It's a world I wouldn't have entered myself so, I am grateful yo.... ahh this is embarassing!!"
:. TO LOVER ⇒ "To me, there's no such thing as a "type". So if I fall in love with a person, I like all of that person. So your good points and also your bad points, I think I'll grow to like them." ^_^
Then he mentions omoiyari (care each other, kindness) again which is really important to him. He tells his future lover to let him lead in the love.
:: Tsubasa!! I'm looking forward to your solo cocert ne~
.. Do your best job and .. Take Care of Yourself ^_^
*Tomorrow Typhoon is coming to Japan .. Be careful!
~ in Thailand depression all week so it rainy everyday ^^;;
** I'm so HAPPY (^^)
hey hey hey emi!!! how are u ja? didnt know you had a new blog la....looks great!! right now i am still studying, hopefully will be done in next two months la...but i will miss Tsuba Solo Tour T_T waaaaaah but i can't believe its been a year already. very excited for tsuba la....will you be going to his concert? if you are have lots of fun ne...take care la talk to u later!!
Ohhhh!!! Kat ...
You make me amaze!!
How to find this blog???
It really private and NOT relate with my website .. I find some place for private and write diary about my life ^_^
chuu.. honey please do not tell anybody ne~
Ganbarimashou ne~ .. Take Care!
** I'm not sure about Tsuba con ne(^^;;)
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