.. hahaha!! ...
song : Never Ever

283 Vol. 163
October 29, 2005
It may be too sudden, but I have something to announce.
I, Imai Tsubasa, recently shortened my hair!!!
The reason is that I want to refresh like a man.
To show off my forehead, it widen my sight...and
I feel so good.
From now on I want to present the emotion/feeling of Imai Tsubasa from my forehead.
*** oh ohh ohh!!
Tsubasa! Last week I talk with my sister about your hiar style I said you fit with short hair and I like to see your forehead.. UNBELIVEABLE!! .. MITAIIIIIIII ^o^
Tsubasa wa Tsubasa! Refresh yourself!
283 Vol. 164
October 31, 2005
札幌の会場から空港に向かっているところです。 札幌に当日入りの予定だったんですが、久々の札幌LIFEを満喫したくてワガママ言っ て、前乗りしました。 気温が9℃で、東京に比べると冷えた夜ですが、空気が美味しくて、星も曇り空の隙 間からぼちぼち見えて、心地よい気分です。 札幌ライブはもちろん、街の景色、美味しいご飯(笑 沢山の人に出会い、たくさんの幸せをいただきました。 ありがとう! 来週名古屋も頑張ります! 札幌よ!めんこい
283 Vol. 164
October 31, 2005
Now I'm heading towards the Sapporo airport.
Actually, I had scheduled to arrive in Sapporo on (the concert) day but it's been a long time for me to enjoy Sapporo life fully, so I made a selfish request to be there earlier. The temperature was 9℃, and it's a cold night compared to Tokyo. But the air is so beautiful and made me feel so good. I also could see the stars from the opening spaces of the clouds, and it made me feel happy.
I could also get much happiness from here, not only in the Live,but also in the beautiful sight of the town, delicious food (laugh) andcould meet many people. Thank you so much!
Next week I will also try my best at Nagoya!
You, Sapporo! So lovely!
*** Doumo Arigatou!
VERY VERY HAPPY to hear that!!
Dear K-chan!
Enjoy with Nov 6,2005 ne!!
I want to go with you!! ^____^
• Tsuba talked about Izumo Dome. Staying over night at Takeuchi Mariya's ryokan.
REALLY!! REALLY!! kyaaaaaa.... WHY??
Ohhh... nooooooooooooo.........
I know why sometime I hate myself !!
Zannen desu ne! it my first plan T_T
Last weekend I do my favorite same you ^_^
for you Tsubasa .. Thanks!
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