song : Edge
『義経』 drama end today..
mah.. I was shopping so I can't watch! T_T
I try to watch in Saturday morning next week ^_~
check here : http://www.nhk.or.jp/taiga/topics/ending_sp/epilogue.html
edit : night
Today is holiday. I woke up so late (15:00 pm)
.. and then eat all day *LOL*
I feel fresh because I sleep much and last night I put "Citrus Oil" in jacuzzi! Have anyone test it? It really good when you use aromatherapy oil in jacuzzi! My favorite is "Lavender" ne~
umm.. today listed "Edge" many times, it really good tempo ne~ ^^"

mah.. there're many comment for Tsubasa now ..
Nothing stop human thought..
There're various thought..
If I were Tsubasa, I will do more than this!!
oh.. sorry sorry ^^;;
Sometime many person said .. Why libra sodiac hard to understand?
Really !!??
It not our fault that we're not your expectation ..
Tsubasa wa Tsubasa ne~
Middle ways is the best ^^
For me .. I like everyway you be ^_^
** Take Care yourself.. and Ganbatte ne! ^_^
.. 2 weeks
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