song : venus
oi oi oi !!
I want to laugh myself!!
oi oi oi !!
In the end cannot watch "Pop Jam" by real time!!
What happen with me??
hahahaha.... (I'm in BAKA mode @@)
Read some content for update.
"venus'' rise up now!! ... Omedetou!!! ^_^
ne! I can't stop listen it when I've listened first time (^^)

Tsubasache... Do you want all fans can dancing 'venus'?
I will practice it yo!!
Kantan desu ne (^o^)v
I'm also happy that many fans can accept yourself (^o^)v
I'm always said you! yourself really great!!
It not important about image ne. ^_^

Both of you do it best!
Many fans cooperate with you.
Thanks for funny time *LOL*
Tsubasa wa Tsubasa!
You can pass fans pressure well ^_^
URESHII desu yo! (you win!)
(Tsubasache.. I pray for you get well soon! your foot can heal soon!! I understand you cannot take rest because schedule for promote "venus'' ..otsukare-sama! However please Take Care of Yourself ne ^_^)
** Ganbatte ne Tsubasache!! (^o^)v
.. I miss ........ you ...
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