Relax mode ...
Today is Thai New Year call " Song Kran Festival ".
It really hot so we trown water together (^^;;)

This pic look like relax mode...
In the evening I'm walking around big pool and the walk around "Impact Arena"..
From here the sky so beautiful! I can see 'VENUS' so clear another planet too!! Tonight is full moon.. Look so close like I can touch (^^;)
Good weather after sunset, temperature will reduce 5 degree.
The wind blowing.. I feel fresh like on the beach (^^)
Dinner today oishii!
* Rainy man! Take Care Yourself (^^)v
edit : midnight
I've download tobase to listen.
Last night I've listen "Aldalusia" on my cellphone before I sleeping (^^;) I want to ask Tsubasa for thi song agin.. and tonight!!! Tsubasaaaaa... doumo arigatou ! tonight Tsubasa call listener for Takki special BD (^^) ..
Aldalusia :>
*** You look really fine ne (^_~)
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