Now I'm stuck on soccer (^^;;)
So everyday I'm always watch all match..
Iyaaa... sleepless!

*** ohhh! That sound good! drink & eat sushi with dad ^_^
Tsubasa, you're family man ne.. Sugoii!! Baystar win 5 matchs!!
fufufu... Kawaii!!!

*** Have a nice day ☆☆☆☆☆
3:50 am
yaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh...... I can't breath a few hour!
Because German vs Poland..
I think German cannot win (^^;;)
Lucky German with additional time (3 min) !
Yay!!! (1-0)
*sigh* phew~~
Oops! time to bed~~~
Good Dream early morning ☆
oi~~ 3:20 am it was rained (^^)
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