I'm not in stable mode~
:: Ho! サマー [PV] ::
Feel .. summer!
My favorite PV.. suki no.1 of all T&T PV ^_^
Apple.. Orange.. Banana.. Oishii desu ka?
Tsubasa ride on horse so gorgeous!
I like song and all PV shot!
Suki Suki #^.^#
mah.. No one help me find this book ^_^
I ask both of my site and my diary..
I think a few person learn this subject (^^;)
Unit Operation is my major for many subject so it's useful book!
Never Mind ・・・
It's always happen.. when I'm going out!
hahaha... Ok! I'm raining girl!
Last weekend I'm also happy with F1 result ^_^
Shumacher back! Ferrari back!

His score follow Alonso 11 points ^_^
Shumacher go go!!
Last 4 days Tsubasa update Vol.191 about T-shirt.. good fabric, feel good when you wear it! (Are you sellman?)
ohhh... really?? ...Ok! I believe! It's 100% cotton ne ^_^
Last year I make it like a tanktop!
Gomen ne~ I like tanktop more than T-Shirt! (^^;)
If it's black it so easy to wear everywhere! (so I hope for black color..)
On August 4, Tackey & Tsubasa have event taking place at a sea house in Kamakura in Kanagawa (mah... ikitai!) eh?? Kamakura near Fujisawa?? ..
mah.. sea, beach, stars, sky .. all about relax! #^.^#
My friend mail me and talk about new song for Tackey musical..
yahh~ that sound interest! Now temporary name ... (secret fufufu..)
Why Johnny-san not ask him for Tsubasa na?? ^_^
Take Care Yourself!
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