週末。。Weekend !!
song : Numb (Linking Park)
Today I'm so tried !!
I can't update anything because I become so numb !!

I feel good when I saw this picture !! #^.^#
[edit] time : 6.30 pm
song : Silent Jealousy (X-Japan)
The last date for 「翼魂」 reservation ^_^
I hope many fans have resevation and it BEST seller (^^)
I'm so happy when Tsubasa HAPPY with his work #^.^#
I've read 283 from Jenn site that so sweet TxT rabu rabu !!
Tokyo forum Tsubasa said in English 「Hello. Good morning!!」 ああああ。。。
I'm so pround with Tsuba's English #^.^# かわいい!!

滝翼春魂 best memory #^.^#
his voice so clear !!, last time when he visited Thailand, his Thai language so good when compair with other members "Epilogue" song is my best memory with Tsubasa I'm closer with him I saw his tear ( I was cried too).
I hope oneday he back to Thailand #^.^# everytime that he mention to Thailand I'm also happy !! that was mean he dosen't forget my country !! doumo doumo #^.^#
Tomorrow has 1 showtime 頑張ってください !!
Dear : 翼さん!! いつでもタイへようこそ。 #^.^#
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