# 翼のto base Vol.87 #
song : So far Away
Yesterday I climbed the mountain (^^;)
Aaa!! very tried ..
Back to BKK safe at 7.00 am ^_^
翼のto base last night .. umm..
Tsuba-kun, How much alcohol have you drink ??? (^^;)
Your sound look like much alcohol in your blood neee...
Kyaaa ... I like that music WoW !! I was woke up by Rock music !!
マツケンサンバ .. wahahaha.. Shall we dance this song together ??
Prince of Tennis umm.. tempting last time he was voted by fans,
Tsuba-kun, Have you ever played tennis? (maybe no !! because last time with hey hey hey special he'd played Badminton .. umm .. no comment hahaha..) I'm tennis player it my fav. sport too ^_^ it so difficult ne~
-> : http://s5.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=2NL4Z6W0SE16R2GWUS5QAPX9C5
[edit] 9.15 pm

おいしいですか。 Would you like to shopping with me ?
Today I get Myojo magazine I really like this pic. ^_^
He look so cute like a girl !!
He has same activities in the same time with me, back home 9.00 pm and shopping "tabemono" (food) from supermarket then 10.00 pm. cooking food and eating, Tsuba-chan in the future we'll be little pig together ne ^o^ (Have dinner after 6.00 pm. is the source of FAT !!)
Tsuba like cooking and Emi like eating .. Both of us very happy when eating --> so we're piggy Emi & Tsuba (´・ω・`) *LOL*
I'm so happy when I heard he talk about food, he look so happy ^_^ but many fans always said Tsuba STOP eating you look like PIG (-_-;) Tsuba you must weight 50 kg. !! *sigh* ... 大変ですね!!
Why said like that ?? In my opinion if food make him very happy I'm so happy to see him eating, because his relax and happy time for him are cooking & eating ^_^
** Chu Chu .. Tsubasa tell your fans LOVE me LOVE myself !!
Tsubasa happy I also happy too #^.^#
All you need is love ..
All you need is love love love, love is all you need !!
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