Quente ☆熱い !!
song : ひと夏の...
The weather so HOT !! (^^;) my skin was burned !!
I'm still upset with very lately calendar (一番ほしい !!)
many friends got it .. and .. next week 翼魂 release ^.^
かえさんよろしくお願いします m(_ _)m

あ!! 翼さん.. this photo I'm beautiful more than you ne (^^)

タッキさん you're win I'm lost !! *LOL*
Both of TakiTsuba so beautiful (とてもきれいな人), they're good looking with boyish & girlish style ne #^.^# , I'm also jealous you !!
Today I got 3 promoted posters of 「Twenty Two」 and 3 promoted poster of 「愛想曲」at noon and then in the evening I was shopping, I got pyjamas and black tanktop ( I really like this design ^^~) this tanktop can show my long arms ^^~ many friends always said .. Emi, your body look like model figure 。。 IF you lost weight !! キヤアアア。。。 *cries* *cries* I MUST lost weight as soon as possible !!
はい! わかった よ !! 頑張ります!!。☆
Tonight I try to translate to base Vol.86 .. the weather so hot the sky so clear with big moon. I want to lay on the beach tonight 。☆
翼さん, お元気ですか。。 つかれますか。。 next Monday 「Shock」 will be finish, do your best job ne ^_^
I was stimulated by miracle numerial more than 10 times !! don don ^^~
Dear all reader !!
Attention please !! don't tell your friend about my private diary m(_ _)m I'm really shy to show my private idea and h-thought to public, I'm always talk about my life and a few update activities of him ^_^ Thank you so much for your cooperate ne (笑)
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