Top of Oricon chart daily ranking !!
song : Mirai Koukai
I'm interested in Coenzyme Q10 function it's useful chemical in human body.I was born with abnormal case so I'm always sick. I try to find best way to treatmy health. Life is miracle, destiny make someone meet each other so I just safe my life for destiny ^_^
Coenzyme Q10
Chemical formular : C59H90O41
Molecular weigh : 863.4
Chemical name : 2,3 dimethoxy-5-methylbenzoquinone
Functional : Work with enzyme in body respiration process. In human body smallest part is CELL,cell must use energy for metabolism. 95% of cell energy from mitochondria, Co-Q10co working with enzyme 3 part for energy process in Electron Transport Chain step.(The last step continue from Kreb's cycle synthesis 36-38 ATP, ATP : Adenosine triphosphate)The famous functional use for antioxidation process.
chuu... if I explain more than this many person will confuse (^^)
It useful chemical I will use 29.5 mg dose for my disease (blood vasel in my heart so short ^^;) last time with bad event my heart was hurt so I must treat my cell.. I hope next time with my check result with EKG my heart will better ^_^
Chanel@ making of Kamen PV

The question in the box. Takki lost this game ^_^ I can remember a few question ne.
Q : What about "Kamen"single?
翼 : ii desu ne !! (wahaha.. Takki want to lay down ^.^)
Q : What is your dislike thing?
翼 : Neko (cat) dame !! ---> he really FEAR cat !! Takki said he wait Tsuba 30 min infront of house because Tsuba was shocked when he meet cat and call TaKki Takki (to help him bring cat far from him.. wahahaha...)
05'魂大阪の陣も順調に終わり、タキツバ怒涛のゴールデンウィークはじまりました。you達はのりおくれていませんか~?もちろんだっ、大丈夫ですよね!!そんな中、いよいよタキツバニュ-シングルが本日店着日になりました。フライングゲッツはしましたか?今作は、タッキーと翼君のステージ登場 10周年を記念してスペシャルパッケージになっており、PVを収録した DVDやフォトブック、ボーナストラック等様々な特典がついてますのでぜひぜひゲッツしてくださいね~!宜しくお願いしますネ~。
message from Official site
Ended of TakiTsuba "GO! kon" at Osaka places. Single was this day store arrival day. 10 years Tackey & Tsubasa on stage (late to say?) so special package various benefit included DVD PV record, photobook and bonus track. Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu ne~。
Ofcourse sure !! I have buy 3 versions ^_~
Kae-san.. doumo doumo m(_ _)m
[edit] 10:00 pm
Tackey & Tsubasa new single can stay on top Oricon daily ranking !!
I wish you can get No.1 of weekly ranking ne~。

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