song : Incompleted
283 Vol. 141
July 8, 206 (updated at midnight)
I talked with Ken-kun yo!
We talked while driving and took polaroids. It's been a long time (since we met) so we talked about alot of things and had a good time.
Please look forward to it!
*** Good time to contact with senpai ne (^^) I like Tsubasa (Yoshikuni) drama with Ken (Mizuiro) "Neverland" last week I watched finish .. Omoshiroi desu.
283 Vol. 142
July 9, 2005 (updated at midnight)
The schedule for my solo concert has come out ne.
There is the first all-standing, and there are a lot more provinces than before, so I look forward to it!
This time I will also DANCE DANCE!
*** Tsubasa! Ganbatteru yo! Let DANCE DANCE & DANCE. I'm always cheer you ^_^ and.. I try to go (^^;;)
283 Vol. 143
July 11, 2005 (updated at midnight on 7/10)
When I was cleaning my room, I took out the letters and faxes that I have received from my mother, sister, and my father so far and read them again. They reminded me of the things that happened at those times, and made me recall many things I have forgotten. That raised up the feeling of "I have to try" (ganbaranakya!) alot.
Everyone also please try re-reading the letters you have received from your family, your friends or your lovers. I am sure that they will give you the original power. Ah, speaking of family, after starting this kind of work, it's become very difficult to travel overseas (go out) together with my family, so the former day I went to the Batting Center with my mother and sister after a long time. We ate soba and talked a lot.
During that nice period, I again, really feel thankful to them.
*** ahh ... I've nothing to say ^_____^ .. same sense .. same feeling .. You said right family is big power for us. I want to spend much time with them. Thank for give my life to meet precious ... #^.^#

Fresh & Cool Guava
Today is my holiday (tomorrow too ^_^) I wake up 12.30 pm so I can watch many DVD yo! after work for weekend. It raining in the evening after I have dinner I go to internet shop (until now). My PC dead because visrus destroy mainboard and CPU I cannot start it -_-;; Tomorrow I will clean my room (^^) and afternon I have appointment with one sister (never seen her for long time nice girl ^^)

Translate content Duet Aug 2005
12:30 pm to 4:00 pm:
He wakes up and first thing he does is open his windows to replace the air. Then he takes a shower and cleans up his place.
"I am confident that I'll become a good father. Cleaning, doing laundry, cooking, household things I can completely do."
Tsubasa says he starts out by wiping the floor with a wiping paper used for wiping floorings. And he says it accumulates alot of dust underneath the TV so he gets down and wipes there.After the sweeping, he cleans the bathroom. Cleans the mirror all nicely. He only washes towels, underwear, and socks in the laundry machine. Cause he's very fussy with his actual clothes and likes to wash those by hand himself. Then, when he's waiting for the stuff to dry he watches TV.
*** Your said RIGHT!!! I agree with you!
4:00 PM ~ 9:00 PM:
Before he goes out shopping, there are days when he will go to the gasoline stand for his car to be washed. And while this is happening he'll watch kids playing soccer in the nearby park. Or he'll go look at furnitures. He'll go shopping in his shining newly-cleaned car.
As for shopping, it's clothing usually (main stuff), but he'll also buy DVD's, CD's, magazines. He says he's got about 20 DVDs that he hasn't yet watched yet. Then, on the way home in the car, he'll be thinking about what to make for dinner tonight. Then he'll go to the supermarket. But if there is no supermarket nearby he'll have to make do with what's left over.
*** Gasoline high prices now so I must save cost (^^;;) only special day to driving! I'm always shopping (food) ne, dinner is the main of day ^o^ mah.. more than 200 (movies) DVDs at my place no time to watch all (^^;;)
9:00 PM ~ 10:00 PM:
This is his cooking time. Um... Tsubasa REALLY likes sea urchin!!! He's got a very fine taste. He loves seafood the most. Demo sea urchin sauce...... is that really good?!? Tsuba says if there's something he cooked that he likes, he'll take a picture of it with his keitai, before he eats it.
*** Time for my dinner but not same because I don't cooking I've dinner at food sop (^^;) hahaha.. really shy yo!
10:00 PM ~ 4:00 AM:
He'll watch DVD's and TV. But he's having a solo concert in the fall so he thinks about that too.
*** HaHaHa .. unbeliveable!
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