Tsubasa Solo concert 2005
song : One Day One Night
[9/17, 9/18, 9/19] Tokyo International Forum A Hall
[9/24] Niigata Telsa 新潟テルサ
[9/25] Nagano 長野市民会館
[10/1, 10/2] Zepp Sendai (Standing)
[10/8, 10/9, 10/10] Osaka Festival Hall
[10/15] Fukuoka Sun Palace
[10/16] Nagasaki Brick Hall 長崎ブリックホール
[10/23] Hiroshima 広島厚生年金会館
[10/30] Hokkaido Koseinenkin 北海道厚生年金会館
[11/6] Nagoya Century Hall
新潟テルサ : http://www.n-terrsa.jp/
長野市民会館 : http://www.city.nagano.nagano.jp/ikka/kaikan/
ZEPP Sendai : http://www.zepp.co.jp/
Osaka Festival Hall : http://www.festivalhall.jp/top.html
福岡サンパレス : http://www.f-sunpalace.com/
長崎ブリックホール : http://www1.city.nagasaki.nagasaki.jp/brick/
広島厚生年金会館 : http://www.kjp.or.jp/hp_31/
北海道厚生年金会館 : http://www.hokkaido-koseinenkin.com/top.html
名古屋国際会議場センチュリーホール : http://www.u-net.city.nagoya.jp/ncc/
:: Tsuba con map guide ::
->: http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y17/tt894/tsubacon-route.jpg
I can't resize it ^^;;
*** I want to said " ... ... ... " ---> URESHII YO! ^w^
and I still nervous about my VISA ... again ...
:: Tackey & Tsubasa Concert ::
October 22, 2005
->: 2 shows@Izumo Dome (出雲ドーム)Shimane Prefecture (島根県)
283 Vol. 137
July 4, 2005 (updated at midnight)
At this time, I'm enlarging the image of my solo concert by re-arranging the present songs, and finding some new songs. I want to make all of you enjoy my own world from many viewpoints.
Of course, I will utilize the things I have learned so far, but not only that, I also want to put in things that are more challenging than at the previous solo concert. So, there will be new songs definitely!!
Please look forward to it!!
*** Of course Tsubasa I WANT TO GO !! I want to say this word more than million times ! but .. back to Japan Embassy I still upset it can make me boring more than 3 month .. mou ichido ?? -__-;;
** Tsubasa you always care your fans ne~ I'm so pround of you (^^)

Only one sentense to said " IKKITAI <=> I WANT TO GO! "
Maybe I'm lucky because yesterday NASA mission "Deep Impact" was sucessful when one of star was destroyed .. life can be change (^^)
Do anybody have problem same with me? ^w^
However .. GANBARIMASU !!
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