End of weekend (^^)
song : Silent Jealousy
Today I have time to use internet (^^)
Last 2 day work all. Yesterday I have good dinner with younger sister umm.. hot&spicy Thai food make me feel good! many herb in food yo!
I take sport after listen Tsubasa suggest on his radio,yes! it work!! I feel good when sweat !! fufufu.. you're medical suggestion (^^)
Today my friend visit me maybe tonight we sleepless! I never met her more than 3 month ^^;; umm.. I hope this lately dinner is "Shabu-Shabu" ne!

This is first time that I really shy for update !! Yes! because Tsubasa update his diary EVERDAY ^___^ and I update my diary every 3 day or longer --'
Ok Ok!! I will update frequency same with you ne!
umm.. It so difficult to use pubilc PC at internet shop .. It VERY SLOWLY --'
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