☆ Tsubasa 1st Tour !
song : 1Day 1Night
Today everything pass well!
It start next month ^_^

I've read content about Tsuba 1st tour this year mah..I want to watch Tsubasa step up by myself!! I can't image what amazing on Sep 17 .. ahhh.. so excite!!

I'm waiting for Tsubasa drama arrive to me (^^) Is it funny?
My best friend help me for update tobase on my site.
** Doumo Arigatou ne~ **
I never update anything for long time .. Gomen ne ^^;;
Last evening I went to concert with papa (30 years relationship between China & Thailand) .. unbeliveable we can pass FREE!! @v@ I watched many artist included "Wan Lee Hom" umm.. Is he famous in asian? Totally nice concert!
My friend (Joey Carbone) mail to me about his new work with "W" ..
Nice song ne ->: http://home.cein.or.kr/~thfk20/w.wmv
Next 7 days .. start!
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