: mars :
song : Edge
Everyday rainy ^_^
Tsubasa solo concert Dec 28 - 29, 2005 announcement!!
:: SUGOII ne ::
Many fans request him! ^____^
I said right .. you really successful this year ^_~

Original model
Yesterday I was cleaned my room.
Taihen taihen na.. (^^;;)

Model T283
... and then MITA!! ...

Before and .. after(present)... (^^;;)
I know this weekend where the place I should go!
Tsubasa ^^;; don't angry me anymore if I recommend this :

My PC almost dead T_T
I try to fix it! .. but cannot..
Demo .. I should buy new one (^^)
Next week (Nov 14,2005) the Mars's orbit will close to the earth.
Mars so beautiful ne but it 'war' symbol.. I like peace..
Evening it was rain ^_^
283 Vol167
November 8, 2005
ひとまず昨日で、ツアーも落ち着きましたが、追加公演が決定しました。 昨日のライブで、また皆さんから最高の宝物をもらいました。ありがとう。 初のソロツアーは、毎公演手応えを感じると共に課題もあり、とても充実した時間を 過ごせました。 今回のライブを作る時、色んな期待と僕が僕に対する期待をどう表現するか悩みまし た。 あらゆる角度から考えた上で挑戦する事が必要だと思い、自分自身に賭ける可能性と Fanの期待を胸に、皆さんへ、リアルな今井翼を表現してみました。 今の自分を素直に受けとめ、まだまだ足りないものを追及して、また一回りも二回り も大きくなった僕を皆さんにお見せできる様、頑張ります。 これからも自分を信じて突っ走って行きますので、よろしくです! 12月28,29日の追加公演は今井翼の一年を締めくくる、最高のステージにしますの で、遊びに来て下さいね。 改めて、ツアーを経験させてもらった事とツアーを共に回った最強のTour Staff,MAD,FIVE、そして応援して下さる最高なFANに感謝してます!
283 Vol. 167
November 8, 2005
Well, first of all, the concert tour already finished yesterday.And now the additional shows have been decided!!! Yesterday, I was also able to get another great precious moment from all of you, thank you.
For my first solo tour, besides the responsibility, there were also many subjects I had to think about, and I was able to have a sense of fulfillment.
At first, I was nervous about the things that were expected from me and the things that I expect from myself. How can I express them? After considering from many views, I think it's necessary to challenge. With something that is possible to myself (that I can do), and with all of the fans' expectations in my heart, I have tried to express the real Imai Tsubasa.
At this time, I obediantly accept myself, and try to reach out for the things that I still do not have enough of. I will try even more, so that I can show you the bigger and bigger me.
From now on I will also believe in myself and run forwardly at my best, so Yoroshiku!
On Dec 28, 29 which are the additional shows, this concert will be the stage that conclude Imai Tsubasa for this whole year. I will make it the best stage, so please come to enjoy.
Again, I want to express my thankfulness for being able to experience this concert tour, and the greatest tour Staffs, MAD, Five and then my greatest fans who have supported and joined with me, Thank You.
*** When I finished reading this message from you first at all my message to you is --> ^________^ .. This is the one reason that I cannot continue write my site's diary ^^", some of website effect to your job and yourself.. This is one reason that I write my private diary .. I'm always cheer you! ^_~
* This is the reason that I really like you!!
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