Today got full result of IQ test!
Something make me HAPPY (^^)
The careers in which I could excel 8 items has 1 of my dream career!
\(^o^)/\(^o^)/ ... URESHII !!

Can you guess one?? (^_~)
Tempting for this one (^^;)

HaHaHa!! Yatta!!!!!!
ehhh What am I interest today??
(^^;) It's about Gemstones !!
Today I went to decorate & gift fair.
"BIG & BIH" and "OTOP" at IMPACT Muang Thong Thanee.
I got gift from my father.
It's Hermatite & Jet in one neckless.
Thank you very much my lovely dad m(_._)m
I've studied GEM at 'Inorgnic Chemistry' class. My dad like gem, but I'm not romantic type because when I'm looking at many type of gem, I'm always think about Chemical formula (^^;;)
hahaha... BAKA Am I ?
(Now back knowledge to teacher ^^")

Formula : Fe2O3 (Iron Oxide)
Hardness : 5-6 (Diamond : 10)
System: Trigonal

Formula : C (Jet is a form of fossilized wood.)
Hardness : 2-3
System : Hexoctahedral
My favorite gemstone is Moonstone.
I like color vivid when the light pass through moonstone, it so beautiful. It really beautiful when moonlight pass through moonstone!!

wahhhh.. Fluel price increase again!
I feel world economic will down again (-_-;)
☆ I miss you ..
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