Takki going to "Shock" #^.^#
song : Penny Lane (John Lennon, McCartney)
I'm still tried !! my feeling become boring mode more than 1 week (-_-;) I'm not sure about cause and effect .. I'm feel good when heard "Penny Lane" (keep my emotion back to childhood time ^^~) thank you for this song !!
I think this year I will retire from my work and become to study Master Degree, but I'm not sure what kind of major that I choose between Science & MBA ^_^
last year I got consult with professor they interested in my research, but I'm poor in English & Japanese (it's BIG problem !!)

頑張りましょう !! Fighto Fighto !!
I read one of Tsuba fans diary said mail became from Tsubasa talk about Tsubasa's rusher cook, and mention to K太郎さん (K Taro-san) whom can't understand 「どういう意味?」,"What meaning? " to hear Imai and done again fufufu..
umm..Have you seen my poor translation ? #^.^#
[edit] 21.00 pm
Today Tsubasa has 2 showtime 13.00 & 18.00 pm ^_^
Finally Takki going to "Shock" !! He came with Mistuko Mori-san 18.00 pm ^_^
Today I'm back home early, clear sky with the moon & the stars
I was stimulated by miracle numerial more than 20 times !! ^o^ ^o^ ^o^ Oh !! don don don !!
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