# 翼のto base Vol.85 #
song : Somewhere I belong
I've download 翼のto base Vol.85 to listen fufufu..

The first he mention to V-day ^_^ He got cookies ? and then he's played the bealtles song "Penny Lane" this song make me turn back to the past (my father & I always listen *LOL*)
lyric link : http://display.lyrics.astraweb.com:2000/display.cgi?beatles..anthology_2..penny_lane_lennon_mccartney
then he answer letters one so tempting listener ask him about "Zubari Special" Tsubasa sugoii.. (when he back to be guest again ?^^) he said he's Takki special guest and mention to Kazuko again ^o^
New corner "Tsubasa Samurai" wahahahaha.. who help him mixed sound ?? That so funny !!
Oops !! back to work T_T continue evening ..
[edit] 11.58 pm
Last night I'm back home lately, the beautiful sky with the moon & the stars when arrive to my room I started eating a lot of food again *LOL*
I think Tsubasa was sleep a lot at night, he so tried with 2 showtime yesterday 1 showtimetoday and he sleepless too ^_^ Take a big rest baby tomorrow has 2 showtime !! Ganbatte Kudasai ^_^
I was stimulated by miracle numerial more than 15 times !! don don don !!
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