Stuck on concert !!
song : 愛シタガリ
I'm watching "Haru Kon" until 5.00 am ^o^
I was killed by Tsuba's hips *LOL* his dance so great !!
Tsuba look so happy when he sining & dancing on stage (^^)
I really like hin on stage so much !! Sometime he laying down on the stage he look like Yoshiki (X-Japan).. I can feel he's very very happy at that time ^_^
I'm so happy and feel relax so much !!
mah.. break my feeling by this photo (baby Tsuba) !!

How about me ? cute or not ^o^
[edit] : 10.00 pm.
Have Tsuba on his radio tonight? (um..maybe..)
I still watch Harukon fufufu.. It really funny (^^)
I like Tsuba with guitar, he'd played guitar lead well !!
feel like rocker star !! fufufu.. and when he'd played piano
he look so great too !!
Tsubasa's dance make me happy!! he look so happy when
he dance, his feeling so enjoy & relax !!
When he lay on the stage he look so HAPPY #^.^#
bejeweled score : 1,006,400 !! in the end I can get score more than
1 million !!! I spend 21.11 min to play !! ^o^ ^o^ ^o^
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