I miss you 。。想い。。#^.^#
song : Mylove
Today I'm so tried (^^)
I got up lately because I watched 「HaruKon」 until 5.00 am.
I replayed more than 10 times .. It so great !!
283 thank you for select best shot!! I like you lay on the stage.
Sweat dripped from 283's face make him kakkoii ne (^^)
翼魂 DVD was requested by many fans so J-Web information was
changed period time for resevation (^^) Oh!! Best Seller !!
link : http://www.johnnys-net.jp/jfc/info/tubakondvd.html
翼のto base Vol.84
One of fan ask him to speak "Portuguese" and teach all
滝翼 fans to speak "Portuguese" too ~~ fufufu..
he said なるほどやない (Are you shy to say that?)
One of his fans ask him about Nishikawa-san (TMRevolution)
Tsubasa said he received a bathrobe from Nishikawa-san.
Oh!! BATHROBE O_o! Has Nishikawa-san know Tsuba's size??

I miss you so much !! ☆:。とても会いたい。:☆
umm.. I don't know about my feeling right now !!
翼君が。。I don't know why I miss you so much ??
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