翼魂 DVD 見ました #^.^#
song : 濡れて Rainy Day
This morning I got up early (9.45 am) ^^~
yesterday I back home lately so I can't get Tsuba Kon DVD (-_-;)
Yeah !! I got him today !! safe package arrive to BKK (^^)
えみより。。 m(_ _)m
I danced in the morning hahaha..
Yes, I've pre watched Tsuba Kon and continue watching in the evening !!

From : 翼魂 Photobook カッコイイでしょうか。(^^)
First time I read song list, there're 20 songs were choosen by him to show on his concert (I choose in my mind 18 songs same with him fufufu..)
song No.07(slowly song) & No.12(Takki's song) I'm not choose^^

back DVD jacket with song list
The bad terrible in my memorial is I can't go to his concert *cries* main reason because I was rejected VISA by Japanese embassy !! bad terrible memory *cries* I just choose Japanese the last country that I visit *cries* *cries* but I can't do that because he is Japanese !!
This concert was showed in a little hall. (I really like little hall more than arena or dome ^^~) He show his great dance skill & his power !! Light & Sound so great ^o^
The most that I really like in his concert is his nice relationship with his fans !! that so cute. Tsubasa always care his fans. There're many lucky fans who can close up with him (^^) his present to fans so cute ^_~ I hope one day I can go to his solo concert. I want to cheer him *clap* *clap*
Today weather so cool ^^~ but I feel HOT !! maybe I watched TsubasaKon in the morning hahaha...
His SEXY dancing skill make me HOT !!
☆ 翼君がとても会いたいなぁ。☆
Early morning Mar 6,2005 (almost 1.00 am) There has visitor No.283 visit my blog (shiratori no tsubasa) !! おめでとう。。
* 白鳥 : shiratori (hakuchou) : swan : my chinese name
* 翼 : tsubasa (283) : wing : his name
*** 白鳥の283 all of meaning 「my wing」 is the name of this blog !!
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