# 翼のto base Vol.89 #
song : 仮面 (TxT version)
Last night 翼のto base he's played 仮面 from TakiTsuba new single ^^~
Title he talk about name of unit Tackey & Tsubasa (Japanese accent Tackey ando Tsubasa !!) so he said member No.3 name Ando fufufu..

Drink "guava" juice and look at the sea. Ah !! sea breeze..
Credit to : Imai Tsubasa (Photographer) m(_ _)m
Fans send mail to him talk about 「滝翼春魂」 & 「翼魂」 one of fans ask him about baseball game Tsuba laugh and said next time he try to do best !! (it funny game) fufufu... forgot it ne !! one of fans ask him about TakiTsuba Kon (Spring concert) she introduce their concert topic "TakiTsuba kekkon2005" (TakiTsuba married together) ^____^ wahahaha... Tsuba's laugh !! (maybe he's embarass to talk about married fufufu..)
For me I don't want he read my mail on air but I need he answer my question.. That's ok !! This time is winter in Japan, the weather so cool !! What happen with Tsubasa? His voice seem like he catch a cold ~_~
On 05/03/19 he will appear on NHK studio park. Take a big rest and take care yourself na ^_^
PS : I can't stop listening this song !! everybody lets DL and listen it !! I wish many fans support them and this single can be stay on top of the oricon chart ne !!
[edit] 19.50 pm
Official announced [Kamen] is theme song for [Mask 2] in Japanese vesion. Bravo!! "son of the mask" is hollywood movie ^_^
: http://www.yomiuri.co.jp/hochi/geinou/mar/o20050317_20.htm
: http://www.nikkansports.com/ns/entertainment/p-et-tp0-050318-0009.html
: http://chuspo.chunichi.co.jp/00/hou/20050318/spon____hou_____002.shtml
: http://www.daily.co.jp/gossip/2005/03/18/165482.shtml
first time listen from Tsubasa no to base (yesterday midnight)
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