What should I do ?
song : Kaze no Uta
For long time with renewal ^^;;
Last weekend I went to the sea. I destroy something in hotel (-_-;)(;-_-) ah.. Why I can't resist pressure ??
The sea make me feel good !! Next time I will go to "Koh Lan" at Pattaya (Tsubasa came this place at year 2002 ^^~)
Bad terrible event happen with my work !! One of my sister who I'm always treat.. she take ANTITRUST with me !! Why she want to hurt me? She got money and gift from me a lot .. Is that good to do with me? I want to ask her !! B-A-D ..What should I do with her ?
Forget it !! Pop Jam make me feel good !! TakiTsuba became guest with TMRevolution ^_____^ Yo!! Can see Nishikawa with Tsubasa (ureshiii !!) I like this conversation so much !! (Still sad my friend can't record T_T)
Q : Karada no kankei wa mada?
A : Mada (Tsuba immediately says)
And Nishikawa looks at Tsuba and says something, like he can't believe Tsuba just said "Mada". And here everyone cracks up, and Tsuba slaps his own knee cause it's just too funny.

Pop Jam.. Nishikawa, Takki, Tsuba ^_^
*** Tsubasa !! your answer make me very very HAPPY !! KA-WA-I-I ...
hugs .. adorable Tsubasa I like you so much !!
*** To Tsubasa !! GO! Con on May 21 and 22 Ganbatte ne~ I can't go but my best friend will go (^^) (Kae-san yoroshiku ne ^.^)
This book print for Karaoke place only it so cute ne~
-> http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y17/tt894/1.jpg
-> http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y17/tt894/2.jpg
-> http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y17/tt894/4.jpg
-> http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y17/tt894/5.jpg
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