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song : I was born to be love you (Queen)
Today I really happy when I got mail from Kae-san ^_____^
Dear : Kae-san! You make me feel good after rainy day ^.^
Doumo Arigatou ne m(_ _)m
You said right! They really kawaii (^^)

Yoichi-sama .. 那須

Yoshitsune-sama and Yoichi-sama

Taiga drama when TxT still young.
This episode on air eps:32 August14,2005 I want to watch so much ^o^
and here is Yoshitsune news with Tsubasa was cast.
source of NEWS from yahoo co.jp
->: http://nsearch.yahoo.co.jp/bin/search?p=%BA%A3%B0%E6%CD%E3&st=n
->: http://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20050615-00000018-spn-ent
->: http://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20050615-00000024-sph-ent
->: http://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20050615-00000032-sanspo-ent
->: http://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20050615-00000007-nks-ent
->: http://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20050615-00000020-dal-ent
This is detail for Yoichi character.
->: http://www.infocreate.co.jp/hometown/takamatsu/rekisi-e.html
->: http://www.ibarakankou.jp/yoiti.htm
And.. HERE! tobase this week!
To Yosho Thank so much! m(_ _)m
He's played "Mihatenu Yume" and "Kamen". I like so much!!
Fans ask him about zipper open on GO! con fufufu.. and I heard one of fan call him "Tsubaschi" !! OMG O.o! ahahaha.. KAWAII name!
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