Yeahhhh !!
song : She
It (very)hot all day until evening then it was hard rain again !!
I can't breath again (-_-;;)
I have dinner at Mc.Donald with Burger & French Fry & Softdrink.. blahh.. junk food!!
I got this clips !!

From Weekly TV and TV Guide 5/13

From Oricon Style 5/23
Yo! HAPPY ^___^
Today I read Myojo & Popolo .. trouble translation again ^^; TxT photo inner book really cute Tsubasa with water mellon and GO! Con pics.
From Weekly TV, TV Guide and Oricon Style photos are look like wedding gallery (^^) kyaa... I want to translate all T_T
Yesterday Min help me for promote TxT PV clip it hard work !! She spend more than 12 hrs. for hard work (she said only TxT is hard work ^^;;)
To : TakiTsuba !! I want to promote you only.. I don't give download file to anybody. All PV for watch only ne!! ^_^ Please keep permission ..
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