283 corner
song : Silent Jealousy
283 Vol. 114
May 26, 2005 (updated at noon)
The Takitsubacon has ended ne. And after this, each of us will do our invidiual solo concerts, and again next spring we will hold a unit concert, so there is no time to settle down ne. Now I'm starting to think about what to do for my concert. I want to prepare at my best and take all responsibility unless it will be meaningless for a solo activity.Anyway, thanks to everyone who attended at Yokohama, and although there was an accident with both of our zippers opening, in many meanings I really enjoyed it there. And to all of our fans, even if there is still something that needed (to be improved), let's have a good time together again! From now on, please also be good mannered TakiTsuba fans as you are.
ah... umm ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
I swear .. If I can I will go! ^_^

283 Vol. 115
May 29th (updated at noon)
Recently I have been concentrating, thinking hard about my Solo Concert structure.I will give you a hint.It's about the performance that will show the underface of good boy... bad boy... and normal boy...I want to do something like that...
See ya----
Relate content from Jenn site.
Oh!! tempting! tempting! I want to see 3 version of you #^.^#
Angel Tsubasa .. Devil Tsubasa .. and .. Normal Tsubasa !!
I cheer bad boy.. hahaha.. Just kidding!
To Tsubasa!
Ich mag Sie so sehr.
I wanna see you soon ^v^ .. Ganbatte ne!
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