Exercise ^_^
song : First Love
283 Vol. 144
July 12, 2005
The Takitsuba Concert at Izumo has been confirmed, as you all know. It will be held in the middle of my Solo concert tour. I am also looking forward to the Unit concert too. The TakiTsuba(con) is Takitsuba's world, the Imai Tsubasa (con) is Imai Tsubasa's World, and both of them are important to me.
About my solo concert, I'm thinking of showing something that is different from before.
Love. Peace. Emotion.
Idea.Myself. Challenge...
To present everything from my heart by using all of my body.

** 283-san (^^) 頑張ってね~~~~
* I know TakiTsuba Con and Tsuba Con are important to you ^_^ I make reservation for TakiTsuba con and your concert last week. I don't know the future that I can go or not (^^) If I can go I really happy but If I can't go I'm also sad (^^;;) and I can't work a few month later like this time.. mahh.. I wish for best luck.
Today I try to exercise (this month I try to lost weight!) first day I really tried tomorrow do it again (^^;;) I think Yoga really hard to do ne.. Goal reduce 5 kg.! ^^;;; Ganbarimasu!
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