:: * . . .
song : Never Ever
3 days ...
Today cutting hair ..
not bad ne (^^)
There're many report about Tsuba con ^_^
umm Tsubasa present his goods *LOL*
Are you saleman?
Tsubasa refer to Takanori-chan (our nii-chan)
fufufu .. ^_^

Oops! time to bed ..
and dream to ...
100 blogs in 100 days, day 33: Energy Drink Reviews
Day 33 of 100 blogs in 100 days goes along way to justifying the theory that there is truly a blog for everyone and everything, from Dan Mayer.
Howdy, I'm new around here. Like your Blog. If you are interested, go see my business ideas site about starting a business and working from home. It's still pretty rough but I finally know what I want it to be. Anyway, you may still find something of interest.
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