*★ :・。Why I feel hot !? ・.:+ .☆ *
song : 1Day 1Night
Read some report about 1st tour (^^)
Were you sang 23 songs??
[1st Tour 23 to 24] 2005/09/18
1. 1 Day 1 Night (full version)
2. Go On (dances with a stick)
3. Get Down
4. Love and Tough
5. Edge
6. Rainy Memories
7. Ikanaide (the CD version)
8. Serenade (Piano ballad)
9. Slave of Love ~情熱の温度~
10. 2nd Face
11. Kaze no Uta (playing guitar while singing)
12. Nama? or Iki? (Song by FIVE band)
13. Never Ever
14. Nagare Boshi
15. Izayoru Monogatari 十六夜物語 (jazz/cabaret dance with chair)
16. かすみ雲 [Misty Cloud?] (ballad)
17. Kamen (Juniors singing)
18. Axel (full version)
19. Nurete Rainy Day
20. Sou Da Ne (full version)
21. Mihatenu Yume (full version)
22. Do Me Crazy
23. Deep into BLUE

Tsubasa sang "1Day 1Night" first song again ^_^
mah.. Right Now I have one question to Tsubasa ..
** Are you still virgin? ( really sorry for impolite question ne~ .. I want to know.. Why I feel different kana?? ) Tsubasa be careful about SEX please!!
Tsubasa wa Tsubasa ne (^^)
I'm waiting for you ne K-chan!! I wish stuff arrive to me a few day later.
Ok! I have time 10 days for my comfort life so many thing to do before start busy work!! mah.. Ganbarimasu!!

Pamphlet really cool!!
[1st Tour 23 to 24] 2005/09/19
Takki call Tsuba at his cocert.They had a nice conersatiom (wow!! great!)
umm.. I will buy Takki solo concert ticket next time (^^)
*,★ :・。.・:.+ :.☆.・:* ∴..☆.・:* ∴.. *,★ :・。.・:.+ :. *,★ :・.☆.・
** Tsubasa take a big rest and prepare yourself for next place ne~ (^^)
*,★ :・。.・:.+ :.☆.・:* ∴..☆.・:* ∴.. *,★ :・。.・:.+ :. *,★ :・.☆.・
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