*. : = Operation pass well! = : .*
song : Never Ever
I have emergency operation yesterday (Sep 29)
It passed well!
Right now it's difficult to walk and I must go to hospital everyday (^^;;)

2 days dinner with my best friend ^_^
We're close friend when I've studied at Medical school (10 yrs. passed!)
** Tsubasa! good luck for Zepp Sendai! **
I got mail from K-chan .. my lovely friend! #^.^#
I read Tsubasa word in 23 to 24 pamphlet ..
.. I know why I really like him!
I'm not your slave but I like your idea ^_^

I understand why you successful when you still young!
I'm always cheer you and do my best job!
.. and I never trown my dream ^_^
hey emi~~~ i'm back! sorry i didnt answer ur comment from b4 but i found this site from a thai webboard la....someone posted the address 283.blogspot so i clicked and hey it looks familiar. the name emi and also ur email address...no worries la, i wont tell anyone!
so how are u doing...emergency surgery sounds scary but i'm glad it went well!!
right now i am crazy abt tsuba tour too...he's such a cutie!! take care na ja
Hi kat!
Nice to see you here (^^)
umm from Thai webboard.. Do you remember name?? ^^;;
.. and Did they said detail about myself?
.. kyaa GOMEN for many question ne~ I never think there have person visit my private blog ^^;;
fufufu.. a small surgery with my toe ^^;; It pass well but difficult to walk ~_~
Of course! Tsubasa goods so cool! I've translate his word in pamphlet.. his idea really GREAT!
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