Never Ever .. forget ~_~
song : Never Ever
Confuse is my recently feeling..
Today start weekend by get up lately (^^;)
4 days ago.. it really HOT! so I got fever T_T
On Thursday It was rained .. continue until today ::::::
I feel better (^^)v
Mom called me she said that yesterday when mom&dad back to northern region, they arrived at night time (9 pm), they can see clearly sky and.. brilliant star "VENUS" it made mom&dad miss me so much!! #^.^#.. Ureshii desu yo! Me too!! When they see 'venus', they're imagine to me like me imagine to you!!!
Yesterday I've installed scanner on notebook.
umm.. something that I've scanned make me feel ... *sigh*
Pictures from T&T FC bulletin.

Tsubasa solo concert .. Mr.PERFECT & Powerful!

Takki solo concert .. Mr.Possible, you're so beautiful ^^'

T&T Izumo concert.. 1+1 = ∞
... almost 6 months that I feel . . . blue~
Why ?? ...
There're many reasons..
One reason can make me feel bad until now.. it's my mistake!
I want to apologize more than million times..
.. and I want to say 'Doumo Arigatou!' from my heart too!!
Never know until now..
I read this sentence :
※ At Tokyo Forum : Dec 29, 05 by 今井翼

For the last show my friend joined replace me.
☆ 今井翼は「優しく 強く」人。。
■ ありがとう! ・・・
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