☆ のほほん ☆
song : Mirai Koukai
I can't sleep (-_-;)
I try to find the way to open mpeg2 file !!
I spent more than 6 hrs. to do .. but I still cannot open *cries*

Take rest !!
Everybody who pass my diary please teach me, How to open mpeg2 file?
This morning I'm feel good with this song [Mirai Koukai] ^_^
Song : Mirai Koukai
Artist : Tackey & Tsubasa
Single : [Kamen] on sale May 4,2005
[Edit] 11.30 pm
Have you listen it ?
[Mirai Koukai] make me RELAX !!
[Kamen] make me STIMULATE !!
I read Tsubasa fans diary, the most topic talk about WS (follow capture files ^^~) both of TakiTsuba appear on TV last Friday to promote theme song [Kamen] for [Mask2]. Tsubasa with thin shape is the topic too !!
Ah ... no comment !! (^^;)
I remember he was appear on "Studio Park NHK" last Saturday 2.00~3.00 pm, I want to see this file so much !! special scoop about "Haru to Natsu" drama a few report ne~
->: http://www.nhk.or.jp/sapporo/bangumi/b_harutonatsu.html#top
Just found this site using the "Next blog"-button, I'm not a Tackey & Tsubasa fan myself, but I have seen them a couple of times on Utaban...
You can try playing the MPEG-2 file with a program called VLC, it can be found at http://www.videolan.org/vlc.
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