Lost Myself !!
song : 仮面 (TxT version)
I feel blue ...

のほほん。 = Relax ^_^
Credit to : Imai Tsubasa (Photographer) m(_ _)m
because I find the way to get VISA to Japan (-_-;)
tried .. so tried ..
Why Tsubasa is Japanese ? Why I'm Thai ? 。。。Why ? *cries*
It so difficult for Thai girl to get Japanese VISA ...
I want to watch his spring concert next month.
Many friends said "Emi, you have 0.001% to get VISA !! "
Thank you for this word !! I think 0.001% better than 0% (^^;)
I need someone(Japanese) write letter invite me to Japan ..
Ah .. I try to do best !! Please pray for me to get VISA m(_ _)m
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