# 翼のto base Vol.90 #
song : 仮面
I can listen 翼のto base in early morning !! Yesterday I'm so lucky because him ^_^ Doumo Doumo !! Today weather so HOT and it was raining at night.

Full version Photographer with his photo !!
His voice so tried (eehh.. a few alcohol ??) this time so funny !! Title he introduce new song [Kamen] then he played it. He said that he tried.(eehh..because take plane to drama location ??) He talk about the weather so COOL in Tokyo (ah.. I told you the weather so HOT in Thailand) then he told about his daily life with work ^^~ .. fans ask him about nickname so he explain about all nickname that fans & staff & friends call him (kyaaa.. I can't translate *sigh*) Tsubasa samurai so funny (I think when he played "Matsu Ken Samba" he ALWAYS laugh !!) sore wa mata raishou .. Ok !!
fans told him about o(baka) calendar wahahaha.. I will post baka shot!! and ask him about his photograph ^____^ then he mention to kimono shot ne~(Do you feel good with Kimono?.. You're so beautiful..) fans ask him about "Haru to Natsu" too.. umm he said well done ^^~ (chuu ... yappari he fine.. I can know .. どーも。。)
I really like your photograph, because make me feel good !! RELAX ..
[edit] 11.20 pm
Today afternoon was rainy continue 3 hr. (-_-;)
I feel better when the rain was stoped the weather so clear I can breath fresh air !! because the rain clean everything .. pollution, dust, CO2, CO etc. but the rain became acid rain !! In the evening I saw sunset that so beautiful ^_^ and then full moon ah.. I feel relax so much !!
Today 283 renew !! ^_____^
Tsubasa told about 春魂 (spring concert) first place perform in Osaka, What kind of concert be ?? album not release and new single release on 4.5 楽しみ楽しみ !!
PS: Tsubasa..take care your self & take rest a lot ne~ Do your best job !!
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