木曜日, 7月 14, 2005

Ame to Kumo (^^)

song : Incomplete

Today it hard rainy day (because typhoon) I get sick yo (^^;;) It trouble for transportation and I was lately with friend appointment. Dinner is Thai food style (hot & spicy) there're diet food because I need to fit my body yo! so I must control by exercise and food ^_^

283 Vol. 145
July 13, 2005

Recently, I have been going to the Gym for training.
Because I stopped doing it for a long time, and so now I'm trying to bring the sensation back by starting to run, warming up my body by using dumbbells and bench pressing. I have built up my body hard by machine so now, my arms are so fitted !!

O-i ! ORE NO KINNIKU!! (My muscle!!)

*** Ahoooooo!! Do you start same date with me ?? ^____^ HaHaHa.. Ok! DO it together! I use dumbbells for fitted arm. HaHaHa..


I'm waiting for tobase midnight (^^)