This month there was Father's Day ne. What did everyone do? I telephoned (my father).Somehow I made my father embarassingly happy by the formal phonecall. I was also happy to be able to hear his voice. Thank you father!!
*** I call him by phone same with you (^^) in Thailand Father's Day is December 5 every year when my father visit me I'm also happy !! You know his zodiac is Libra same you & me and his birth date is Saturday same with you !! ^_^ My father is master for me!! ........ 283 Vol. 129 June 26, 2005 (updated at midnight)
This month I went to see 3 stageplays: "Claudia", "The man of La Mancha", and "Onmyoji" ?????. I went to see "Claudia" last year as well. This year I also enjoyed much of its performance, song, and dance from many view points in Kuwata-san's sound's world.
For "The man of La Mancha", Don Quixote's style of living life facing forward has stimulated me. After I finished watching the stageplay, I felt "Tomorrow, I will try more." I also was carried away by Matsumoto Koushiro's world.
About "Onmyoji", in Japan (dance) stage, it's a very rare chance to see original Japanese stage performances like this, and I also could feel the wonderfulness of this stage which we call "A Legend".
I want to try too... for I can express many feelings by only using "DANCE".
Hona (bye-bye)
*** I can feel your dance always advance ^^ I'm always cheer you! I re-watch your old performance I've seen your advance.. that is one reason why I really like you. Read your word I think "Tomorrow" I will try more ! Mah.. I can get power from you ^_^ ........ 283 Vol. 130 June 27, 2005 (updated at midnight)
This year there is also going to be the Film Festa event. Last year I discussed with my brother Tsuyoshi in a cafe and asked him to teach me guitar. This year I also have plans to discuss with one of my seniors (senpais). It's been a long time that we will have a shooting that is of only the 2 of us. I'm looking forward to it. You all also!!
*** I like your solo guitar so much (^^) .. Have you show guitar at Tsuba solo concert this year? ........ 283 Vol. 131 June 28, 2005 (updated at midnight)
About the baseball match that I've told you all about before, which was scheduled to be held this week, unfortunately it has been cancelled..... If I can join in the next match, I will tell you again.
Recently, I have been thinking of buying a Bat Glove (baseball bat's cover) for My Bat.
*** Ok! when you join the baseball match let's tell again (^^) ........
EVERYDAY update! Brand New Tsubasa : Thanks for tell about your daily life ^____^ I try to write my diary everyday too. Are you sleep after midnight?
Today it rainy day.. I still get fever --' I sleep lately because watch soccer game ^^' .. this early morning (1:40 am in Thailand) Brazil vs Agentina at Germany (my best friend hometown ^^)
Yesterday my mobile was lost when I'm back home by Taxi --' When you get something have you send back to owner? ... I send back to owner !! I know feeling when lost. Zannen desu yo! This number so cute ..
I've cooked chicken noodle today ^^;; ah... maybe I must use cook book!
I read my friend content toady she talk about "GO'con" pamphlet concept .. ah! so good! I like T&T song because T&T song advance more than another pop group in Japan (it my private taste ne !) T&T is international style so I really like !! I promote TakiTsuba song to another friend 90% like and 10% can't understand meaning ^^;; but all said good melody and nice vocal !!
Ah.. I still have problem with my PC --'' I can't read anything from my boring .. one way to open PC is ... #^.^#
Today I have time to use internet (^^) Last 2 day work all. Yesterday I have good dinner with younger sister umm.. hot&spicy Thai food make me feel good! many herb in food yo!
I take sport after listen Tsubasa suggest on his radio,yes! it work!! I feel good when sweat !! fufufu.. you're medical suggestion (^^)
Today my friend visit me maybe tonight we sleepless! I never met her more than 3 month ^^;; umm.. I hope this lately dinner is "Shabu-Shabu" ne!
This is first time that I really shy for update !! Yes! because Tsubasa update his diary EVERDAY ^___^ and I update my diary every 3 day or longer --'
Ok Ok!! I will update frequency same with you ne! umm.. It so difficult to use pubilc PC at internet shop .. It VERY SLOWLY --'
Recently, when I have time (can make the time) I go to the batting center! I hit by turns like right-hand bat, left-hand bat, right-hand bat, left-hand bat. The baseball team that I'm in has various kinds of people in it, transportation person, mortician, insurance person, cardealer, then the Takitsuba music staff and among still many more, it's a feeling of Star Tsubasa-kun.I am the youngest person in there ne. Seems like this week there will also be a match so I want to firmly carry out rookie-ish activity. ........ 283 Vol. 126 June 23, 2005 (updated at midnight)
I tried to cook Curry-Don this time. Not Curry-Rice. I don't know, I just feel that I want to eat Curry-Don like in a Soba restaurant. The raw materials are very simple...just only pork, onions, and carrot. I think it's similar to cooking Curry-Namban Soup (I have never cooked it, anyway!). Curry powder,noodles sauce, fill water in (ready made) soup stock, and thicken the soup with potato starch, and then fill rice in Donburi, fill roux, top with sliced onion, and it's ready!. I think I cooked quite a good one and it was delicious. I forgot to take its picture!!
Mahen. ........ 283 Vol. 125 June 22, 2005 (Updated at midnight)
I played baseball after a long time. It feels good to sweat since the morning. My cold is also blown up (has vanished).Tsubasa-kun is Second Base No.5 with a uniform number of 20. And no error at all for 4 hits with 2 safely hits. Moreover, those 2 hits were batted with the left hand!!
Sugee Shugee. ........ ........ 283 Vol. 124 June 21, 2005 (updated at midnight)
I received gyu-tan (cow tongue) as a souvenir from Sendai from my friend. It's very thick and juicy. Delicious food always make me happy... now I want to go to Sendai again.
zunda zunda. ........ 283 Vol. 123 June 20, 2005 (updated at midnight)
My nose is stopped up...I'm going to be defeated by the change of seasons. How about your condition? Yaba daba doo--? ........ 283 Vol. 122 June 19, 2005 (updated at midnight)
My throat hurts...I made honeylemon and drank 2 cups of it. A"-- ........ ........ 283 Vol. 121 June 18, 2005 (updated at midnight)
The result of the medical checkup that I received the other day came out. When I opened the white envelope up while feeling doki doki........ It's ALL A !! ........ 283 Vol 120 June 18, 2005 TAIHEN DESU!The boots that I bought at the beginning of this year and didn't wear it once yet, one day when I looked at aikata-kun's feet, he was wearing the exact same pair...I can not wear it.(because of it), I am remaking it. ........ 283 Vol. 119 June 16, 2005
During this time, I went to eat sushi by myself after a long time.After work ended, I went to the sushi place that I often go to during high school.The taishous (generals) greeted me warmly. I ate delicious sushi.
Tobase last night is special week. Tsubasa said he catch a cold and he've played baseball so he get well. (he said it's good for everybody who was sick to play sport ^^) and then he play "Yumemonogatari"... ah! bikuri !! Are you sick same with me? Today it raining more than 4 hrs. and then I catch a cold ^^;; ::
Tsubasa said he go to hospital every year and his blood cell was less all of his physical check are A ! wahahaha... KAWAIII !! It was surprised me again!! Do you have same disease same with me? I go to hospital every year and my physical result same with you !! OMG! I know why your face like that when sleepless.
Tsubasa you make me happy again hahaha.. at evening a few serious because I don't want to catch a cold (it make me trouble ne -_-) but I feel good when I hear your suggestion about play sport hahaha.. same my papa said to me last evening (^^) Tomorrow I will do !!
I think about my diary ... ah !! Nothing update!! Instead of Tsubasa update EVERYDAY!! Impossible !! You update that mean you very happy!! I'm not update that mean I'm very lazy O.o !
Today I eat Blueberry Tart and buy Cherry Tart back to home .. Oishiikatta desu ^_^
My friend recommend this movie "Shining Boy & Little randy" cast by "Yakira Yuya" this movie location in Thailand at my birth place (^^) ->:
Please KISS me !!
Lucky white dolphin ^o^ I want to go to the sea (^^) RELAX place !! Go Go Go !!
Last night I've watched DVD that my friend send to me. For the first "Zubari" ahahaha... I can't stop laughing !! Tsubasa !! Do you want to kill Kasuko-san ?? ^___^ ah! special song is nice!
Then I watched "Hey x 3" Yoshiki was guest !! last time 8 year ago with X-Japan ^_^ I like his song so much! This time he show piano with "Unnamed" song NICE melody !!
Today I went to temple so kimochi ga iidesu !! ^_^ It rainy day again .. I'm so tried because back home lately after my work finish.
He's played "Mihatenu Yume" and "Kamen". I like so much!! Fans ask him about zipper open on GO! con fufufu.. and I heard one of fan call him "Tsubaschi" !! OMG O.o! ahahaha.. KAWAII name!
Tsubasa update his diary 2 day that mean he really fine ^_^ Not same as me. I never update for long time because some serious thing on mine mind (^^)
My site was down again a few day before (June13,05) ah! How can I manage my bandwidth quota? Maybe pay much money for data transfer is the best way ^^;;
283 Vol. 117 June 14, 2005 (updated at midnight)
I had a magazine interview with Matsui Daisuke, the friend who's in France that I mentioned before on J-Web. Matsui-kun is playing soccer in a French league, and if I have an opportunity to go to France, I want to go all the way to the Le Man home stadium to support him ne!I was very happy to have met him after a long time and to have been able to talk about many things. Since I received a signed uniform from him, I put it in a frame and decorate it in my living room.
283 Vol.116 June 13, 2005 (updated at noon)
I met up with my brother Tsuyoshi (Kinki Kids) after a long time. We ocassionally get holidays off on the same day, so I visited his house. I really had a relaxing time there. We watched the Fishing Channel, and talked alot while watching King of Minami.Next turn is at my house!
This is picture from magazine. I want to say I like your long hair style so much!! I'm not meaning that I don't like short hair ne~ but you really cute with long & black hair ^_^ (I'm waiting to see for long time ^^;;)
Today I watch Tsuba Con 2004 it so funny yo! I like Tsubasa when he interactive with his fans! You really cute & pure ne~~~ (^^)
Tsubasa talk about his solo concert this year. (on Sep) I'm so excite to hear that ^_^ (chuu..Thanks for detail .. again ..^_~) Count Down for 3 month. Ikkitai naa..
I read some rumor about Tsubasa become cast of Yoshitsune..Is it true? Some of fans said Tsubasa wore blue-ish? armor, rode on horse, and shot a beach scene with Takki and one other person. Information from my best friend ^_^
6/9 afternoon,Tsubasa came to the location site in Kanagawa in Japan. Is Tsubasa Coverage of magazine or chree? A visitor in location thought however, Tsubasa wear the armor of ancient Japan. He is Nasunoyoichi's part in the rumor. There is no official announcement yet. ah... This scene is the ancient warior ride horse and shoots the bow (^^;;) I remind to Heyx3 that Tsuba shoots the bow! Yabai Yabai !! However Tsubasa Ganbatte! I want to watch your smart scene of ancient warior ^_^
Tsubasa this is a good year for you!! You do your great job ne! (^^)
The Takitsubacon has ended ne. And after this, each of us will do our invidiual solo concerts, and again next spring we will hold a unit concert, so there is no time to settle down ne. Now I'm starting to think about what to do for my concert. I want to prepare at my best and take all responsibility unless it will be meaningless for a solo activity.Anyway, thanks to everyone who attended at Yokohama, and although there was an accident with both of our zippers opening, in many meanings I really enjoyed it there. And to all of our fans, even if there is still something that needed (to be improved), let's have a good time together again! From now on, please also be good mannered TakiTsuba fans as you are.
ah... umm ... ... ... ... ... ... ... I swear .. If I can I will go! ^_^
283 Vol. 115 May 29th (updated at noon)
Recently I have been concentrating, thinking hard about my Solo Concert structure.I will give you a hint.It's about the performance that will show the underface of good boy... bad boy... and normal boy...I want to do something like that...
See ya----
Relate content from Jenn site. Oh!! tempting! tempting! I want to see 3 version of you #^.^# Angel Tsubasa .. Devil Tsubasa .. and .. Normal Tsubasa !! I cheer bad boy.. hahaha.. Just kidding!
To Tsubasa! Ich mag Sie so sehr. I wanna see you soon ^v^ .. Ganbatte ne!
song : Serenade Today I REALLY tried (-_-;;) I'm so happy because many friend stay with me m(_ _)m THANK YOU FOR YOU ALL ^_^
Someone who I know her in the PAST want to destroy me. How can I do with her? She is the one who antitrust all person. MONEY is dangerous.. T_T.. MONEY can show the real character..
Forget it!
Back to Tsubasa ^______^ I'm interested in Tsubasa solo concert. Ikkitaiiii yo ... TxT announce their solo concert and sring concert next year at Yokohama.
Celebration! Broadcast start 100 time commemoration special everyone thank you. With the notion that where you say, Celebration Tsubasa being raw after a long time and phone call. ........ I'm waiting for tonight (^^) Are you call listener? Yosho ^____^ .. Yoroshiku Ongaishimasu !! ........ [edit] 11:30 pm
Awwww.... Tsubasa call listener ^_^ Lucky fans yo! I want my PC back because I can't listen at Internet shop *cries*
Today my domain name year anniversary. I've registed this name for long time but a few month later that I've created my site. It open on Tsubasa's BD and promote to public on Dec 25,04total 3 version changed ^_^ I wish I have power to work!