土曜日, 7月 30, 2005

CM ..

song : Hito Natsu No

Yesterday I ask my sister help me download T&T cm (there're many cm of them) but my sister said her account not active now .. then miracle .. fufufu..

Today we have conversation about T&T cm..

Min Min : Emi, T&T cm download are finish!!
Emi : Suge!!
Min Min : Takki KAWAIIII!!!!
Emi : ee!! How about Tsubasa?
Min Min : ahh... ahahaha.. no comment..
Emi : How about him when he still young?
Min Min : Takki KAWAIIII!!!!
Emi : Nooo...... Tsubasa kawaiiiiii..
Min Min : Takki olympus cm so cute!
Emi : ... ... *cries*
Min Min : Emi, I've seen "Tongari Corn" cm.. Tsubasa cloth .... (sensor)
Emi : ahahaha.. it's FASHION! ^^;;
Min Min : Emi let back home I will send file to you by MSN.
Emi : Ok!

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Tubasa @Film Festa

Right now I've seen them! ...... I still said Tsubasa KAWAII !! hahaha..

Yesterday I can listen tobase at 3:00 am (^^!) Tsubasa's played Shonentai song. I've listen by mobile (Min Min help me again ^_^) so the voice not clear.. I like when Tsubasa wishper (kawaiiii ..)

... ☆ 翼君がとても会いたいなぁ。☆ ... ^_^

金曜日, 7月 29, 2005

Go On ..

song : Ai Check It!

Today papa visit me .. he said that he retired from his work it really good because he can take big frest and can travel too (^^) My papa is an engineer and I become engineer same with him. I will work a few month and retired to work with our family business and then I have plan to study master degree at France..

Today when I've seen Thai singer have rehersal this artist is famous here. I think I like T&T more than because they're professional more than yo! hahaha..

wah... tonight I can't listen tobase (my best friend not upload it *cries*) Honey please send it to me ^_^

土曜日, 7月 23, 2005

I need okane!

song : Koi Kokoro (Tsubasa version)

Full moon tonight (^^)
I don't know about myself (poor or baka).. this evening I pay money for earing (it so cute ne.) but I don't know why I paid for another accessories (I don't want them -_-'').. This month I spend much money for concert and buy many stuff of T&T ...
Okane ga nai -_-" wahh.. this evening dinner not delicious -_-"

mah... back to Tsubasa no To base vol.107 ^___^
Tsubasa said he dislike summer (for this year) by normal case summer is the most fav. season. He said that because he dosen't have vocation or travel anywhere (he spend much time with his work).. fufufu .. me too.. Tsubasa .. I want to visit my parent at northern of Thailand but I can't go because work..*sigh*

Then he's played "All my life" ... I like it yo! it rock style (^^) and answer listener mail. He said he join playzone 800th with all Johnny's member .. (^^) .. and he said he have dinner with "Takeuchi Mariya" conversation with her about business..

** Tsubasa-san ... Ganbatte ne~

金曜日, 7月 22, 2005

107回 。。。 翼のto base

song : True Love

283 Vol. 150
July 20, 2005

Here he comes!!
Kroon with Japan's fastest speed of 161 km !! Hae~Bae~(Wow !!)
I want to see that play by live~...
Anyway, he is really good (Suge ~Shuge~)

*** 161 km Suge!!! How can he do? I want to see. Tsuba go! go! and tell me by your diary (^^)

Last midnight tobase Tsubasaaaaa ... Are you drinking alcohol?? hahahaa.. ok that sound so funny! however I like song that you played this week (it make me want to jumping!)

Tonight full moon the sky so beautiful... ahhh.. feel fresh! This week have 2 days of holiday (Thu & Fri) I will spend time to clean my room yo!

水曜日, 7月 20, 2005

Unbeliveable !!!!!!!!!!

song : Kamen

Kyaaaa... Tsubasa !!
Nothing to say ...

You can do it!! Me and my sister still "SHOCK" HaHaHa..
... In the end (more than 3 hrs. I can watch it!! .. doumo ..)

*** 283 kawaiii ... (^^)

Playzone 800 performance news.

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ummm .. he really polite when went to to stage.

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火曜日, 7月 19, 2005

Clearly weather.

song : Queen of R

In the end I can read 283 and I saw him in curly style ^___^ so .. cute!
Tsubasa in black suit black (curly hair) black shirt and black pant..and .. black skinny.. good boy! I like your dress black you look so smart with black style ^__^
now have double black hair T&T ( I like so much ^_~)
Is it Umi no hi in Japan? (Sea's day..July 18) mah.. Umi e ikkitai yo..
I still want to travel this time.

283 Vol. 148
July 17, 2005 (updated at noon)

Soon it'll be summer.
Last year out of the four seasons I liked summer the most. But this year it's somewhat different. The reason is because there's too many people.It is a remark that is out of character with a young person, but this year I really feel this way.
But beer in the summer is the best!

*** Yes, You said right! summer is the best time *^o^* I luv clearly sky.. but in Thailand temp up to 45 degree it really hot (^^;;) it best time for beer too.. especially freeze beer ..ahhh...fresh!! Do you want to have skinny skin?

283 Vol. 149
July 18, 2005 (updated at midnight on 17th)

I went to see a nighter at Yokohama Stadium that I haven't seen in how many years.I started watching from the 8th inning....Because the score was still 0-0 up to the 8th inning, I saw the most exciting (rise-up) parts of the match, so although it was very short, I had a great time.
Baystars won the game, and in a good mood I went to eat chinese with my friends and then returned home.


*** Baseball game.. that sound good. I know a few rule of it but it funny when hit the ball and running ne. I think tennis is easy to understand (and I like to play it) Fast man how often you watch it?

Today I feel bad because my healthly not good. I feel good when I'm back home maybe tonight I can't sleep late. Tomorrow many work to do I hope I can clear all of my business.. (^^)

日曜日, 7月 17, 2005

Doki Doki Saturday.

song : Still loving you.

Weekend = Working (^^)

Back to home lately tonight.
Ahh.. I want to read 283 vol.147 !!

I want to see invite postcard from T&T, someone said his hand writing so strange (^^;;) How about it?

Today I drank coffeee with wipped cream it really oishii. All day I ate many junk food (KFC, Bakery, Cookies etc.) so it hard to lost weight (-_-;;) -> emi .. please think before eating!!!

土曜日, 7月 16, 2005

Can't stop laughing!!

song : Don't want to misss a thing (Aerosmith)

Hahahaha.. I can't stop laughing because his 283 diary! His message to his fans! ahahahaha.. oio oioi... It so funny ne~ Yesterday my friend write on her site she said if Tsubasa not update his diary that mean ne will not update for long time (at least 1 month!) She is big fans of Tsubasa and her site really famous for Tsubasa's fans, she always forcast Tsubasa behavior ne~ HaHaHa.. still laughing!

283 Vol. 146
July 14, 2005 (update at noon)

You who thought I had stopped updating, has been fooled!!!
Today I went to see Shounentai's musical and am learning from it. I also want to see Akiyama-san's three-dimensional face! (many views of his face)

*** HaHaHa!! Tsubasa GOOD BOY! when after I read her content I think impossible Tsubasa will update it tomorrow (I bet something with myself .. it secret yo!) then you update it .. THANKS! How often you visit your fans site? I think you can undersatnd English well ne~ ahahaha..however you're really CUTE!!

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Tsubasa no To Base last midnight title really funny ohh.. hahahaha... "PAMA MAN" (パーマ man).. How can you creat this word?? ohh.. wahahahaha... I WANT TO SEE YOU!

** Kae-san (^^).. Have you seen :: Pama Man :: ?

He played "Donna Tokimo" it nice song yo. Then he answer listener letter, they ask him about diet by vegetable & tofu, boy ask to be friend, washing machine, drama 24, etc. (Is it varity radio show?) he's played "Get Down", "Queen of R" and "Hito Natsu No" like BG song ^v^ I like ALL!!

Before ending he talk about detail of his solo concert. (Ikkitai naaa...) I've bought Tsuba Con ticket but ... *sigh* I still worry about it!

However last midnight tobase and your diary make me happy! I like his voice it really funny.. HaHaHa.. I can't stop!!

金曜日, 7月 15, 2005

106回 。。。 翼のto base

song : Serenade

This is second day for Gym (^^) ... so tried! but my body become better.
Last midnight for tobase his voice reaaly happy & funny ^_^
Tsubasa look so happy ne ^v^ ^.^ ^o^

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Last night he never update his 283 hahaha.. he back to himself yo!
Tomorrow I will go to IT center to fix my PC after he broken for long time (^^;;) It really difficult to read news and update many thing by public PC
(at internet cafe')

I make diet food program for myself so dinner I ate much vegetable and freeze strawberry with milk ahh.. there're really delicious!

木曜日, 7月 14, 2005

Ame to Kumo (^^)

song : Incomplete

Today it hard rainy day (because typhoon) I get sick yo (^^;;) It trouble for transportation and I was lately with friend appointment. Dinner is Thai food style (hot & spicy) there're diet food because I need to fit my body yo! so I must control by exercise and food ^_^

283 Vol. 145
July 13, 2005

Recently, I have been going to the Gym for training.
Because I stopped doing it for a long time, and so now I'm trying to bring the sensation back by starting to run, warming up my body by using dumbbells and bench pressing. I have built up my body hard by machine so now, my arms are so fitted !!

O-i ! ORE NO KINNIKU!! (My muscle!!)

*** Ahoooooo!! Do you start same date with me ?? ^____^ HaHaHa.. Ok! DO it together! I use dumbbells for fitted arm. HaHaHa..


I'm waiting for tobase midnight (^^)

火曜日, 7月 12, 2005

Exercise ^_^

song : First Love

283 Vol. 144
July 12, 2005

The Takitsuba Concert at Izumo has been confirmed, as you all know. It will be held in the middle of my Solo concert tour. I am also looking forward to the Unit concert too. The TakiTsuba(con) is Takitsuba's world, the Imai Tsubasa (con) is Imai Tsubasa's World, and both of them are important to me.

About my solo concert, I'm thinking of showing something that is different from before.

Love. Peace. Emotion.
Idea.Myself. Challenge...

To present everything from my heart by using all of my body.

*** LOVE PEACE EMOTION !! Image hosted by Photobucket.comImage hosted by Photobucket.com Really good! Tsubasa do it! I wish for PEACE, Is it your concept this time ? Thank you! Thank you!

** 283-san (^^) 頑張ってね~~~~

* I know TakiTsuba Con and Tsuba Con are important to you ^_^ I make reservation for TakiTsuba con and your concert last week. I don't know the future that I can go or not (^^) If I can go I really happy but If I can't go I'm also sad (^^;;) and I can't work a few month later like this time.. mahh.. I wish for best luck.


Today I try to exercise (this month I try to lost weight!) first day I really tried tomorrow do it again (^^;;) I think Yoga really hard to do ne.. Goal reduce 5 kg.! ^^;;; Ganbarimasu!

月曜日, 7月 11, 2005


song : Incompleted

283 Vol. 141

July 8, 206 (updated at midnight)

I talked with Ken-kun yo!
We talked while driving and took polaroids. It's been a long time (since we met) so we talked about alot of things and had a good time.
Please look forward to it!

*** Good time to contact with senpai ne (^^) I like Tsubasa (Yoshikuni) drama with Ken (Mizuiro) "Neverland" last week I watched finish .. Omoshiroi desu.

283 Vol. 142
July 9, 2005 (updated at midnight)

The schedule for my solo concert has come out ne.
There is the first all-standing, and there are a lot more provinces than before, so I look forward to it!
This time I will also DANCE DANCE!

*** Tsubasa! Ganbatteru yo! Let DANCE DANCE & DANCE. I'm always cheer you ^_^ and.. I try to go (^^;;)

283 Vol. 143
July 11, 2005 (updated at midnight on 7/10)

When I was cleaning my room, I took out the letters and faxes that I have received from my mother, sister, and my father so far and read them again. They reminded me of the things that happened at those times, and made me recall many things I have forgotten. That raised up the feeling of "I have to try" (ganbaranakya!) alot.

Everyone also please try re-reading the letters you have received from your family, your friends or your lovers. I am sure that they will give you the original power. Ah, speaking of family, after starting this kind of work, it's become very difficult to travel overseas (go out) together with my family, so the former day I went to the Batting Center with my mother and sister after a long time. We ate soba and talked a lot.

During that nice period, I again, really feel thankful to them.

*** ahh ... I've nothing to say ^_____^ .. same sense .. same feeling .. You said right family is big power for us. I want to spend much time with them. Thank for give my life to meet precious ... #^.^#


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Fresh & Cool Guava

Today is my holiday (tomorrow too ^_^) I wake up 12.30 pm so I can watch many DVD yo! after work for weekend. It raining in the evening after I have dinner I go to internet shop (until now). My PC dead because visrus destroy mainboard and CPU I cannot start it -_-;; Tomorrow I will clean my room (^^) and afternon I have appointment with one sister (never seen her for long time nice girl ^^)

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Translate content Duet Aug 2005

12:30 pm to 4:00 pm:

He wakes up and first thing he does is open his windows to replace the air. Then he takes a shower and cleans up his place.

"I am confident that I'll become a good father. Cleaning, doing laundry, cooking, household things I can completely do."

Tsubasa says he starts out by wiping the floor with a wiping paper used for wiping floorings. And he says it accumulates alot of dust underneath the TV so he gets down and wipes there.After the sweeping, he cleans the bathroom. Cleans the mirror all nicely. He only washes towels, underwear, and socks in the laundry machine. Cause he's very fussy with his actual clothes and likes to wash those by hand himself. Then, when he's waiting for the stuff to dry he watches TV.

*** Your said RIGHT!!! I agree with you!

4:00 PM ~ 9:00 PM:

Before he goes out shopping, there are days when he will go to the gasoline stand for his car to be washed. And while this is happening he'll watch kids playing soccer in the nearby park. Or he'll go look at furnitures. He'll go shopping in his shining newly-cleaned car.

As for shopping, it's clothing usually (main stuff), but he'll also buy DVD's, CD's, magazines. He says he's got about 20 DVDs that he hasn't yet watched yet. Then, on the way home in the car, he'll be thinking about what to make for dinner tonight. Then he'll go to the supermarket. But if there is no supermarket nearby he'll have to make do with what's left over.

*** Gasoline high prices now so I must save cost (^^;;) only special day to driving! I'm always shopping (food) ne, dinner is the main of day ^o^ mah.. more than 200 (movies) DVDs at my place no time to watch all (^^;;)

9:00 PM ~ 10:00 PM:

This is his cooking time. Um... Tsubasa REALLY likes sea urchin!!! He's got a very fine taste. He loves seafood the most. Demo sea urchin sauce...... is that really good?!? Tsuba says if there's something he cooked that he likes, he'll take a picture of it with his keitai, before he eats it.

*** Time for my dinner but not same because I don't cooking I've dinner at food sop (^^;) hahaha.. really shy yo!

10:00 PM ~ 4:00 AM:

He'll watch DVD's and TV. But he's having a solo concert in the fall so he thinks about that too.

*** HaHaHa .. unbeliveable!

金曜日, 7月 08, 2005

Feel Fresh!

song : This love

Today I can sleep 8 hrs.(morning) and 2 hrs.(evening) I feel fresh! ^o^ a few hour before I got my hair permed. HaHaHa. I made a wave from the side along to the backside. So, it's such a big perm (^^;;) and it may also be hard to notice. I'm sure people may start laughing when see it. (^^;;) It make me happy yo! I will change a few day later HaHaHa.. I hope papa not shocked with it!
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283 Vol. 140
July 7, 2005 (updated at midnight)

Yesterday was the Star Festival.
I want to attend the event...

What did everyone wish for? Mine is a secret! Cause I feel that if we speak it out, the wish will not come true... like, it may drop down during the way.

Also at Hatsumode (the first visit of the year at the Shrine) I also shortened the words for many of my wishes because there are many people still waiting in line. At that time I also wish my wishes can reach its place. And yes, I will make an effort to make it come true.

*** Mine is a secret too! I wish my wishes and your wishes become true #^.^#


Tomorrow "Yoshitsune" drama has big battle scene so I should back home quickly to watch it! Oops! time to sleep tomorrow have many appoinment. I can update this blog every day because you (^^)

** Tsubasa enjoy your solo con rehersal.. Gabatte ne ^^'

木曜日, 7月 07, 2005

105回 。。。 翼のto base

song : Dead or Alive

283 Vol. 139
July 6, 2005 (updated at midnight)

Recently, I have been checking Morita Go-kun's 60th Year Anniversary after-the-end-of-World War II Drama. Privately, I like Go-kun's acting, and of course his dance also.

And another thing, please don't forget to watch NHK broadcast of its 80th Year Anniversary drama Haru To Natsu ~ The letter that never arrived which will be on-air this autumn. It's my first challenge (playing) a Brazil-Japanese role. When I compared the story that happened at the previous time with the me at the present time, it made me think many things. I want you all to watch, cause I think this story will make us feel the greatness of humans, and a time that we can think many thoughts about many matters.

So, please don't miss it...

*** (^^) Don't worry Tsubasa I prepare myself to watch it yo. I can watch live time in Thailand ^_^ When this drama on air (date)?

Today I went to Kinokuniya book store I've seen Duet, Potato and Wink Up magazine.. Tsubasa you're ..... so much ^_^ I'm also surprise about your time 1 day fufufu..

I still worry about Tsuba Con ticket umm.. *sigh*


翼のto base this midnight he played "Walk this way" by Arrowsmith ^o^ Ohhhhh~!! .. and talk about baseball ^___^ ahaha.. then answer listener letter that sound funny ne~ umm.. I heard he talk about his solo concert schedule this time (tell about how to reserve ticket) but I can't translate all ^^;;


Maybe tomorrow I can find someone help me to traslate it (^^)
Today Bye for now --> I need to sleep =.=

** Tonight is "Tanabata" (Star festival) in Japan I wish for myself and my special person ^_^ just secret yo! I wish it come true #^.^# .. For minna HAPPY ne!

Tomorrow Ganbarimasu!

水曜日, 7月 06, 2005

Ha Ha Ha ... Tsubasa!

song : This love

283 Vol. 138
July 5, 2005 (updated at midnight)

I got my hair permed.Surely there are people who may feel shocked by this news.


Cause I made a wave from the side along to the backside. So, it's not such a big/showy perm, and it may also be hard to notice. Due to this explanation, I'm sure people may start breathing a sigh of relief.


I think I may get bored with it in the near future...
Anyway, now I'm happy with it.

*** HaHaHa ... Shocked me again (^^) ok ok ok I want to see I think it so good to change look everytime ^_^ Mitaiii !!! Tsubasa show yourself PLEASE! I happy with it too ^o^ HaHaHa ...

Read 283 vol.138 I've inspiration to change myself umm...not perm ne~ maybe chop hair better umm.. or a few perm at the backside ?? Let do next Sunday (^^)

Dinner today is normal food and expensive compare with quality -_-" but I ate ice cream at Swensense ... ummmm... Oishii katta desu! Bin Cherry Vanila, Green Tea and Lemon Sherbet with strawberry cheese cake #^.^#

I hope tomorrow it become clealy sky ne ^_^
ahhh.. waiting for tobase midnight ☆☆


*** PS : Today my FC letter arrive (^^;;) let me crazy a few min !!
-> Each ticket 5,500 yen
-> All ticket ballots due July 25, 2005

How to do ? ^w^

火曜日, 7月 05, 2005

Tsubasa Solo concert 2005

song : One Day One Night


[9/17, 9/18, 9/19] Tokyo International Forum A Hall
[9/24] Niigata Telsa 新潟テルサ
[9/25] Nagano 長野市民会館
[10/1, 10/2] Zepp Sendai (Standing)
[10/8, 10/9, 10/10] Osaka Festival Hall
[10/15] Fukuoka Sun Palace
[10/16] Nagasaki Brick Hall 長崎ブリックホール
[10/23] Hiroshima 広島厚生年金会館
[10/30] Hokkaido Koseinenkin 北海道厚生年金会館
[11/6] Nagoya Century Hall


新潟テルサ : http://www.n-terrsa.jp/
長野市民会館 : http://www.city.nagano.nagano.jp/ikka/kaikan/
ZEPP Sendai : http://www.zepp.co.jp/
Osaka Festival Hall : http://www.festivalhall.jp/top.html
福岡サンパレス : http://www.f-sunpalace.com/
長崎ブリックホール : http://www1.city.nagasaki.nagasaki.jp/brick/
広島厚生年金会館 : http://www.kjp.or.jp/hp_31/
北海道厚生年金会館 : http://www.hokkaido-koseinenkin.com/top.html
名古屋国際会議場センチュリーホール : http://www.u-net.city.nagoya.jp/ncc/
:: Tsuba con map guide ::

->: http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y17/tt894/tsubacon-route.jpg

I can't resize it ^^;;
*** I want to said " ... ... ... " ---> URESHII YO! ^w^
and I still nervous about my VISA ... again ...

:: Tackey & Tsubasa Concert ::
October 22, 2005

->: 2 shows@Izumo Dome (出雲ドーム)Shimane Prefecture (島根県)


283 Vol. 137
July 4, 2005 (updated at midnight)

At this time, I'm enlarging the image of my solo concert by re-arranging the present songs, and finding some new songs. I want to make all of you enjoy my own world from many viewpoints.

Of course, I will utilize the things I have learned so far, but not only that, I also want to put in things that are more challenging than at the previous solo concert. So, there will be new songs definitely!!

Please look forward to it!!

*** Of course Tsubasa I WANT TO GO !! I want to say this word more than million times ! but .. back to Japan Embassy I still upset it can make me boring more than 3 month .. mou ichido ?? -__-;;

** Tsubasa you always care your fans ne~ I'm so pround of you (^^)

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Only one sentense to said " IKKITAI <=> I WANT TO GO! "

Maybe I'm lucky because yesterday NASA mission "Deep Impact" was sucessful when one of star was destroyed .. life can be change (^^)

Do anybody have problem same with me? ^w^
However .. GANBARIMASU !!

月曜日, 7月 04, 2005


song : Get Down

Today I got stuff for my work (^^)
Morning until 5:00 pm REALLY HOT!! and... 6:00 until now (midnight) is raining!! hahaha.. How can I adapt myself with surounding? I still catch a cold because hot weather --''

Dinner today is buffet!! They're shabu-shabu and sushi I take more than 50 dishes --'' I will diet as soon as possible! Salmon really delicious but I want salmon eggs (cavier -> maybe wrong spelling) more than !! It delicious more than ^_^

Food <=> HAPPY time !!

283 Vol. 134

July 1, 2005 (updated at midnight)

I bought a bat and a batting glove!It also fits well and felt good to stand at right-at-bat at the batting center and 120 km/hr ball(s) are thrown. As expected, I want to devote myself to right-hand batting.

*** Enjoy it yo!

283 Vol. 135
July 2, 2005 (updated at midnight)

When I was watching TV, a classmate from elementary school appeared on a Wimbledon tennis match! Since that time she was skillful in tennis, and when I was watching and thought "Could it be!", the announcer broadcasting on the spot called out the classmate's fullname. I was surprised when the face was confirmed on the screen. Somehow I'm happy. Again it became one stimulus. Pou!

*** Unbeliveable !! O.o ohhhh.. a Wimbledon tennis match! I watch it too! You watch same time with me yo! Your friend so great ne~ (ps: This year I've cheer Roger Federer the 23-year-old Swiss who won this game.. same age with Tsubasa) Tsubasa you too! you really famous by international! I ever talk with your fans from many country so I confirm you really famous ^_^


283 Vol. 136
July 3, 2005 (updated at midnight)

After work finished I went to eat a meal with the staff, 3 people including me. We tried a cool-type of pasta with sweet shrimp, fresh uni (eel) and salmon eggs. I'm in trouble!! It's too delicious!! I've fallen (in love) with it. There is potherb mustard on top of the pasta and it's also topped fully with half-cut mini-tomato. It's a really great taste for the summer time. I want to go and eat it again!! I may try to cook it myself at home.


*** Tsubasaaaa .. Pasta-lover! Thanks for detail Tsubasa sensei. I will learn from you #^.^# Can you cook without cookbook or detail? mah.. today I ate much salmon and shrimp .. Umai!!

For tobase last Thursday my friend translate for me.
Tsubasa said he called his father to talk about his work (at father's day) .. ^_^ family man! and then he talk about his work this year to listener it about song and stage (maybe solo concert) .. I must study Japanese language I want to know what you talk about?

Today I saw Popolo and Myojo magazine. Tsubasa trim his hair ^_^ Good looking! in my opinion I like hair style from Duet July issue ne ^^ here!

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Duet July 2005

This hair style really nice and match with you!

日曜日, 7月 03, 2005

I miss my family ^^

song : Can't take my eye of you. (Tsubasa version)

Because I lost my mobile so I cannot contact with my family 1 week --' I can remember only my papa office phone number but.. he get holiday 2 day+ 2 day weekend I don't know where he go --'

I wish I can contact them on Monday (^^)

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Myojo Dec 2004

I've watch Tsubasa in the past video. I've seen his dance talent advance! for "One day One night" song that he wrote I like song & dance step it perform 1 time ^^ I think Tsubasa is pro in latin dance na.. for "Aldarusia" song I have 5 version (when he still young until he grow up) Tsubasa you look so smart with this song !!

Today read some forum in Thai website, there're many T&T inligal stuff sale in Thailand T_T ... really boring to see !! I try to tell anybody buy copy right stuff. I buy Takki and Tsubasa drama by official DVD. I know I use much money for T&T but I buy drama for my relax time (Japanese drama are funny story) .. however I try to collect (^^)

283 Vol. 133
June 30, 2005 (Updated at midnight)

Recently I went to see a baseball match. Even though it's a farm team of the eastern league, watching the match under the sun without any roof made me feel good. I got a little tanned (sun-burned). I think it's more enjoyable to watch a match in a narrow field with clear batting sounds, and jeering cheering voices from the ojisan (older guy) fans who are a bit drunk. The results of the match was that Shounan team could beat Kyodai 1-0! It's very advantageous that I could see Kuwata with the ticket fee of 700 yen!!

On that day, I also stopped by the batting center with my friend before returning back home.

*** Tsubasaaaaa ... I was jealous you so much!~! You have time to see sport that you love ! I want to diving and play tennis but I cannot.. I want to see your tanned skin ^_^ (I have a tanned skin because in Thailand really hot ne~)

金曜日, 7月 01, 2005

104回 。。。 翼のto base

song : As long as you love me.

283 Vol. 132
June 29, 2005 (updated at midnight)

My brother, Tsuyoshi, came over to my house!

He brought me a turban? which looks like a neck warmer. I cooked Japanese-style pepperonchino pasta with sardines, yukari, bacon, onion, and together with crab salad!!

Tsuyoshi-kun took a picture of the food (with his cellphone camera) before eating. He also said it's very delicious....I'm so happyyyyyy~~~We also talked about many things, and had a very tender/gentle/nice time.

*** Tsubasaaaaaaa.... you make me HUNGRY !! You're good nutrition all of ingredient are high nutrient. Tsubasa-san let's update more food menu !!

I will check it here!
->: http://mr.hamacco.net/pasta.html
I want to regist Takanori-san official site.Turbo Express Card so cute!
->: http://www.turbo-web.com/


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Last midnight 翼のto base

Tsuba voice so funny (he always laugh ^^') but I can't listen by clear voice because it public PC at internet shop and I still can't save to my place *cry*