song : Get Down
Today I got stuff for my work (^^)
Morning until 5:00 pm REALLY HOT!! and... 6:00 until now (midnight) is raining!! hahaha.. How can I adapt myself with surounding? I still catch a cold because hot weather --''
Dinner today is buffet!! They're shabu-shabu and sushi I take more than 50 dishes --'' I will diet as soon as possible! Salmon really delicious but I want salmon eggs (cavier -> maybe wrong spelling) more than !! It delicious more than ^_^
Food <=> HAPPY time !!
283 Vol. 134July 1, 2005 (updated at midnight)I bought a bat and a batting glove!It also fits well and felt good to stand at right-at-bat at the batting center and 120 km/hr ball(s) are thrown. As expected, I want to devote myself to right-hand batting.*** Enjoy it yo!
283 Vol. 135
July 2, 2005 (updated at midnight)
When I was watching TV, a classmate from elementary school appeared on a Wimbledon tennis match! Since that time she was skillful in tennis, and when I was watching and thought "Could it be!", the announcer broadcasting on the spot called out the classmate's fullname. I was surprised when the face was confirmed on the screen. Somehow I'm happy. Again it became one stimulus. Pou!
*** Unbeliveable !! O.o ohhhh.. a Wimbledon tennis match! I watch it too! You watch same time with me yo! Your friend so great ne~ (ps: This year I've cheer Roger Federer the 23-year-old Swiss who won this game.. same age with Tsubasa) Tsubasa you too! you really famous by international! I ever talk with your fans from many country so I confirm you really famous ^_^........283 Vol. 136July 3, 2005 (updated at midnight)After work finished I went to eat a meal with the staff, 3 people including me. We tried a cool-type of pasta with sweet shrimp, fresh uni (eel) and salmon eggs. I'm in trouble!! It's too delicious!! I've fallen (in love) with it. There is potherb mustard on top of the pasta and it's also topped fully with half-cut mini-tomato. It's a really great taste for the summer time. I want to go and eat it again!! I may try to cook it myself at home.Umai!!!
*** Tsubasaaaa .. Pasta-lover! Thanks for detail Tsubasa sensei. I will learn from you #^.^# Can you cook without cookbook or detail? mah.. today I ate much salmon and shrimp .. Umai!!
For tobase last Thursday my friend translate for me.
Tsubasa said he called his father to talk about his work (at father's day) .. ^_^ family man! and then he talk about his work this year to listener it about song and stage (maybe solo concert) .. I must study Japanese language I want to know what you talk about?
Today I saw Popolo and Myojo magazine. Tsubasa trim his hair ^_^ Good looking! in my opinion I like hair style from Duet July issue ne ^^ here!

Duet July 2005
This hair style really nice and match with you!